why do some women get pregnant and others don't?

I wish I had a concrete answer for you, but i don’t. And I don’t know concretely why. Here is what i believe based on my personal experience, my clinical experience and my studies. Sometimes the answer is very clear! Nobody wants to go month after month not getting pregnant if that is there souls desire. But, if that is the case then having a medical explanation from a western doctor and an acupuncturist is relief and hope wrapped into one. Its important to be healthy before during and after pregnancy . When you know you want to get pregnant make an appointment with me to find out all the ways that you can be your healthiest to have a healthy happy pregnancy. If after months of trying and not getting pregnant come back in and lets set up a treatment plan of herbs and acupuncture treatments to help you get pregnant. If at this point you don’t want to waste any time you can see if your western doctor will run some tests to make sure there is nothing obvious standing in the way of getting pregnant like: PCOS, hostile cervix, blocked fallopian tube, an-ovulation, thyroid conditions, etc. Or you can wait until the year mark to see your western doctor and get the tests done. If you are close to 35 or older and you have been trying for 6 months western doctors advisee to come in at this time. Getting a diagnosis means both I and your doctor can give you a very clear treatment plan so you know what to expect. Often times, and most frustratingly, there is no clear western diagnosis. This is absolutely where acupuncture shines and excels. This is where realistic hope and calm can be restored for women. Using Chinese classical medical theory and modern use of BBT charts you and I can clearly figure out what lifestyle, nutrition, supplement, herbal and acupuncture plans are appropriate for you and what you can expect for a realistic timeline. And finally theres the hard question again. Most times after diligently caring for your health in this time tested classical way my patients get pregnant and have a full term healthy baby. But, sometimes they don’t. I deeply feel for my patients when they feel this is their reality- that they might never get pregnant. Im not religious, although I am deeply and personally spiritual. My only way of understanding this and making sense of these losses and tragedies in our lives is that sometimes tragedies and losses are a part of our personal journey to becoming the most enlightened and useful human we can be in this life and time for our community and world at large. We all hear of the people who get pregnant and didn’t even want to be. Perhaps that is their unexpected journey and path to learning and becoming the the highest form of themselves. I truly pray that every patient who seeks my help to get pregnant will get pregnant and have a healthy happy full term baby. But, i also truly believe that every patient, regardless of the outcome, will have a chance at having a healthy happy and full life. And the relationship with your acupuncturist and the treatment plan set for you is medical and spiritual guidance on accepting the outcomes that this miraculous journey has for us.