fertility, toxins, gallbladder, the sun and moon.
What do any of these have to do with one another. Well, just like the beauty of acupuncture and its studies- they have EVERYTHING to do with one another. we are connected to to everything. Even at our singular cellular level from which we started we are a microcosm of the macrocosm. We have just forgotten because life is so busy, fast, loud and demanding. Or maybe we have beer even been introduced to that idea. There are many things that Myself and my patient need to consider when we are thinking about their individual fertility issues. We are all unique and we all need a unique approach to healing. But, to share an example of the poetry behind what makes acupuncture tick even in this very modern world thousands of year later lets consider a point on the gallbladder channel- GB24, or “the sun and the moon” It is the front mu point of the gallbladder. This means it is the exact location where the energy of the gallbladder is concentrated. It is the exterior point that connects to the interior energy. yin and yang. The gallbladder is a great portal because of this. One of its yin pairs is the liver. The liver, wood element associated with spring and growth is very important in fertility and the first three months especially of a pregnancy. There are several things that can throw the energy of the gallbladder and the liver off. Firstly, and something that is often overlooked by our western minds is that the lifestyle we are living which leads to emotions such as anger, frustration, short temper, and indecisiveness. Secondly, something that is becoming more and more accepted exogenous toxins. We consume and live in a world completely surrounded by toxins. Our liver and gallbladders literal job even in the western medical world is to detox. When we are so toxic not only from our environmental toxins but possibly also due to our emotional/internal toxins our energy from the Liver and its portal/yang pair of the gall bladder get clogged. If the energy can’t flow then implantation for a baby to grow can’t flow either. There are many many many factors to look at. There are many channels that can be used and all of it has to be considered on an individual basis. But, the Liver, the gallbladder and its extraordinary meridian the dai mai are important players in making the mom to be healthy and connecting her to the heaven and earth, the sun and the moon and the miracle that is creating and growing life. We have the energy and capability to create life. Its just sometimes the energy needs to be opened, redirected and reframed from our traditional western minds.