Stress is the route of all evil.
Okay, that’s a bit of a hyperbole. But only a bit! Stress makes us do crazy things. We can’t think straight. We can’t see straight. We can’t calm down. We can’t gather our thoughts. Then we start to ignore our intuition or our gut feeling. Maybe we even lose it all together because stress is so pervasive. We start to make poor choices, impulsive choices. Or on the other end we can’t even make a decision bc we are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and fearful. Work suffers, sleep suffers, spending habits suffer, communication with our family, friends and loved ones suffer. EVERYTHING SUFFERS when we are in the grips of stress. And ultimately our health suffers. This is because we have constant cortisol running through our system and it compromises every system in our body. Our ability to absorb and digest. Our endocrine system. Our circadian rhythm. our circulatory system. Our neural system. Chronic disease has genetic factors, and stress is like the fuel and the flame to those familial risk factors. In some cases it creates chronic disease even when it wasn't present in the family history. Ive been practicing in the health field for 15 years now. I have been a patient and at times a hard headed patient of life learning how to recognize stress and cope with it since i was an adolescent. Its made me do some crazy things and learn some painful hard lessons. We all have a journey to lead and its not my beleif that its meant to be easy, but it doesn't have to be over run with anxiety and fear and stress. These feelings are inevitable. LIFE IS HARD. It is my passion to use acupuncture and all the modalities available to me to help people release stress and learn to live without it. To get acupuncture is to be calm and grounded. To be in touch with yourself and feel happy. To rid yourself of stress and connect with yourself means that you can connect with people better and have more meaningful relationships that build not only you, but the other person up as well. You can sleep better. Your energy improves. and I can’t think of a better way to rid your self of stress, to rewire your brain, to feel connected to the powerful energy that runs through you then to get acupuncture. What is acupuncture? There are many definitions and one of them that i think is fitting is “iIt is meditation”. And not just any meditation- deep easy meditation. Meditating is hard to do. Its worth while practice that i still practice. But when you get acupuncture your mind your body and your soul are gently coaxed into a meditative state that allows your body to rest and turn off that cortisol switch enabling you to heal and be the best version of yourself.